Antonio Torres Winter 2020 Postal History Sale
Auction #72 - 1571 lots - Closing: 2021-02-12 18:00 Central time

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1426 Straits Settlements
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1939 (27 Dec) Sing - England, Kent, Hamkhurts. Air Imperial multifkd env + depart superb blue censor cachet (xxx) 55c rate.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 26.00    Expand Photo    Bid

1427 Sudan
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
c. 1890/1900s. 10 diff early mint stationaries, cards, envelopes, wrapper, incl 2 pre cancelled (specimen) one doble.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 50.00    Expand Photo    Bid

1428 Sudan
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1901 (7 Aug) Omburman - Germany, Bayern. Shaflenburg 3m brown ovptd stat card. TPO Beni Sudee.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 75.00    Expand Photo    Bid

1429 Sudan
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1901 (10 Aug) Sawakin. Entry 3m brown ovtpd stationary card. Pre-cancelled. Specimen type.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 28.00    Expand Photo    Bid

1430 Sudan
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
c. 1902 (15 Feb) Shellal - Germany, St. Ingbert ovptd 4m/5m red stat card. Two diff overprints.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 32.00    Expand Photo    Bid

1431 Sudan
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1905 (14 Febr) Khartoum - Germany, Munich (22 Febr) Fkd ppc. Gordon statue photo.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 22.00    Expand Photo    Bid

1432 Sudan
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1906 (5 June) Swakin - Wolverhampton. Fkd photo card via Suez. Mosque photo.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 38.00    Expand Photo    Bid

1433 Sudan
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1906 (9 July) Sawakin - Ireland, Larne, Harbour. Fkd ppc. Via Suez.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 34.00    Expand Photo    Bid

1434 Sudan
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1906 (17 Nov) Port Sudan - Wigan, UK (Dec 1) Fkd Karnakk photo card. Via Suez. XF.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 60.00    Expand Photo    Bid

1435 Sudan
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1907 (9 Jan) Port Sudan - Wolverhampton. Fkd ppc via Suez. Sheikh Tomb Saint. Interesting.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 38.00    Expand Photo    Bid

1436 Sudan
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1907 (22 Feb) Port Sudan - Wigan, UK. Fkd ppc. Bisciarins tents photo. VF arrival cds.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 24.00    Expand Photo    Bid

1437 Sudan
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1907 (10 March) Gebeit - Wigan (March 25) Fkd ppc, depart cds via Suez. Korosko photo.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 56.00    Expand Photo    Bid

1438 Sudan
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1907 (10 March) Gebeit - Wigan, UK via Suez. Fkd ppc, depart cds. Trebes photo.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 41.00    Expand Photo    Bid

1439 Sudan
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1907 (2 Apr) Sawakin - Wigan, England (Ap 13) Fkd ppc.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 34.00    Expand Photo    Bid

1440 Sudan
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1907 (10 Dec) Gebeit - UK, Ramses fkd ppc to England, Wolverhampton. Via Suez.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 34.00    Expand Photo    Bid

1441 Sudan
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1911 (4 March) Shellal - France, Paris. Fkd ppc. TPO camel nš2.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 34.00    Expand Photo    Bid

1442 Sudan
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1913 (1-2 Apr) Port Sudan - Mozambique, Lourenzo Marques (12 May) Via Shellal TPO. Fkd ppc + arrival cachet. Extraord rare interafrican early postal link / destination.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 180.00    Expand Photo    Bid

1443 Sudan
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1913 (25 May) Khartoum - Germany, Glotterhad, Multifkd env. VF colorful item.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 48.00    Expand Photo    Bid

1444 Sudan
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1913 (30 May) Khartoum - Germany, Glotherhad. Multifkd ppc. Hippo chasing photo. TPO Halfa - k cds + second Shellal TPO. Rare two diff ambulant connection.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 151.00    Expand Photo    Bid

1445 Sudan
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1913 (3 July) Khartoum - Germany, Marburg. Comercial multifkd envelope, tied cds. XF.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 40.00    Expand Photo    Bid

1446 Sudan
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1913 (24 July) Khartoum - Germany, Marburg. Multifkd env. TPO /NZI cds.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 34.00    Expand Photo    Bid

1447 Sudan
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1913 (26 Sept) Khartoum - Germany, Hamburg. Comercial multifkd env. Halfa TPO cds. VF.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 48.00    Expand Photo    Bid

1448 Sudan
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1913 (28 Sept) Khartoum - Germany, Hamburg. Comercial multifkd envelope TPO Halfa cancel.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 55.00    Expand Photo    Bid

1449 Sudan
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1913 (2 Oct) Khartoum TPO - Germany, Hamburg. Multifkd colorfull envelope. Fine. Via Shallal - Halfa. Comercial usage.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 45.00    Expand Photo    Bid

1450 Sudan
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1913 (5 Oct) Khartoum - Germany, Hamburg. Comercial multifkd env, tied cds. VF. Reverse Asiouk. TPO.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 40.00    Expand Photo    Bid

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