Antonio Torres Winter 2020 Postal History Sale
Auction #72 - 1571 lots - Closing: 2021-02-12 18:00 Central time

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801 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1940 (5 Apr) Victoria - England, Hull. Multifkd env at 0,75$ rate. Via Imperial. XF lovely item.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 100.00    Expand Photo    Bid

802 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1940 (25 May) Hong Kong - Switzerland, Zurich. Air multifkd env by IAL Imperial + HK censor label. VF.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 70.00    Expand Photo    Bid

803 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1946 (14 Oct) Kowloon - Leiden, Netherlands. Air multifkd env + air cachet "By Air to London only" (xx/R)      Fine
Bid over:  $ 65.00    Expand Photo    Bid

804 Hungary
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1872 (5 Sept) Austrian Postal Adm. Szolnok - Pest. 2kr yellow German Font stat card used in Hungary, depart cds. Fine.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 50.00    Expand Photo    Bid

805 Hungary
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1932 (25 July) Osesztreg - Switzerland, Zurich (28 July) Illustrated stat card + taxed + arrival Swiss p.due. Fine comb.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 36.00    Expand Photo    Bid

806 Iceland
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1936 (17 Aug) Reykjavik - USA, Ky, Louisville (1-2 Sept) Registered multifkd env, signed by Iceland postmaster. Heyburn archive. VF.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 125.00    Expand Photo    Bid

807 India
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1882 (30 Sept) Benares - UK, London (25 Oct) 1/2a blue stat card, letter "A" grill, cds + via Bombay. Fine.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 22.00    Expand Photo    Bid

808 India
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1888 (30 June) Bangalore - Germany, Leipzig (22 July) 1/2a blue stat card, depart small cds. Via Bombay + sea PO. VF.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 31.00    Expand Photo    Bid

809 India
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1890 (29 July) Gwalior. Lasnka - Moradabad - Rampur. Ovptd 1/2a green QV stat env + "REFUSED". Nice item.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 28.00    Expand Photo    Bid

810 India
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1911 (8 Dec) Coronation Durbar Central Post Office. Details of mails, reverse bearing 6 diff stamps, all cachets of coronation. Scarce document.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 100.00    Expand Photo    Bid

811 India
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1912 (Jan 1) Multan NRMS, Set Nai - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Single fkd Lucknow photo ppc. Very rare destination usage.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 28.00    Expand Photo    Bid

812 India
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1942 (29 Dec) Darfeeling - USA, KY, Louisville (12 May) Official stampless registered US censored envelope. Seat by Indian Postmaster, with his special cachet.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 32.00    Expand Photo    Bid

813 India
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1944 (13 Nov) Saurashtra. Local half doble stat card 1/2a blue, lion issue, properly used. Fine.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 26.00    Expand Photo    Bid

814 India
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1947 (14 July) Maundy - Spain, Madrid 1 1/2d lilac stat env + adtl. Very scarce destination.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 16.00    Expand Photo    Bid

815 India
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1948 (9 Nov) Poona - Tangier, British Post Office Marruecos (17 Nov 48) Air illust multifkd including mixed GB + GHANDI issue. Superb + destinaiton.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 240.00    Expand Photo    Bid

816 Indochina
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1902 (16 Aug) Tanhiep - Paris, France. Via Saigon. 15c stat env, fine origin town usage.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 101.00    Expand Photo    Bid

817 Indochina
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1910. Hathinh. 5 better pre-cancelled early photo cards. Annam.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 100.00    Expand Photo    Bid

818 Indochina
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1913 (1 Nov) Cholon - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Aman Ecuperor fkd ppc to rare destination usage with mns endorsement "VIA SIBERIA" (RRR this south to South Europe)      Fine
Bid over:  $ 145.00    Expand Photo    Bid

819 Indochina
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1930 (30 Aug) Annam, Guinhon - France, Marne. 6c red stat env depart cds. Reverse transited + arrival cachet.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 28.00    Expand Photo    Bid

820 Indochina
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1932 (21 Jan) Serigon - France, Chesbourg (1 Feb) Air multifkd front + reverse env, red control cachet + via "Saigon - Marseille". Fine.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 14.00    Expand Photo    Bid

821 Indochina
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1937 (31 Oct) Saigon - Paris, France. Air multifkd ppc. Intern. Exposition issue. Fine item reverse rare. Air France color card provided by airline.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 45.00    Expand Photo    Bid

822 Indochina
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1941 (27 June) French Indochina. Saigon - Ajaccio, Corse. Air multifkd envelope via British Singapore with censorship. Cover carried by Air France. Extraordinary rare WWII postal connection that went through.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 450.00    Expand Photo    Bid

823 Indochina
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1946 (15 April) Saigon - South India (25 Apr 46) Air single fkd env. Reverse transited. 1$ green stamp.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 38.00    Expand Photo    Bid

824 Iraq
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1917 (4 Apr) Germany Subl, Thüringen - BAGHDAD. Via Constantinople. Feldpost / FM WWI free fkd addressed to German soldier in IRAQ military mission. Extraordinary fine and rare item.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 575.00    Expand Photo    Bid

825 Iraq
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1921 (8 March) British Postal Administration. Baghdag - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Fkd Khadiman photo ppc adressed to tiny Spanish coastal village. VF + extraord rare destination. First we see with this ovptd issue.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 120.00    Expand Photo    Bid

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