Antonio Torres Winter 2020 Postal History Sale
Auction #72 - 1571 lots - Closing: 2021-02-12 18:00 Central time

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1 Airmails - World
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1930 (10 March) PANAMA - COSTA RICA. First flight. Fkd env. Special cachet.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 18.00    Expand Photo    Bid

2 Airmails - World
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1931. Zeppelin. Return trip. Brazil - Germany, Kunzslsand. Fkd ppc. Special cachet.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 40.00    Expand Photo    Bid

3 Airmails - World
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1931 (28 Apr) Dresden - Australia, Melbourne (19 May) Via Amsterdam - Batavia. Air multifkd envelope + special Batavia air cachet + retour. VF.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 110.00    Expand Photo    Bid

4 Airmails - World
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1932 (Oct) Zeppelin. Brazil - Switzerland. Return transatlantic trip. Arrives 4 Nov 32. Special cachet. Fkd p. card. VF.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 45.00    Expand Photo    Bid

5 Airmails - World
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1936 (4 May) Zepp. Frankfurt - USA, Milton, Mass (9 May) Special flown cachet fkd ppc + arrival cachet. Carried LZ 129 (Hinderburg).      Fine
Bid over:  $ 32.00    Expand Photo    Bid

6 Airmails - World
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1936 (4 May) Zeppelin. Hinderburg. Germany - Switzerland (5 May) Fkd ppc. Special cachet. LZ129.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 36.00    Expand Photo    Bid

7 Airmails - World
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1936 (5 May) Zeppelin. Europe - North America trip. Frankfurt - NYC. Fkd env. First trip Hinderburg. VF.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 36.00    Expand Photo    Bid

8 Airmails - World
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1936 (25 June) Zeppelin. Europa - North America. Fkd ppc to USA, Ky, Louisville (8 July) Special cachet. Hindenburg. With receipt Heyburn correspondance.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 77.00    Expand Photo    Bid

9 Airmails - World
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1936 (28 June) Zeppelin. Europe - South America. Multifkd illustr envelope. Fine condition. Special cachet. Addressed to Brazil.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 48.00    Expand Photo    Bid

10 Airmails - World
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1937 (2 Dec) Belgium, Bruxelles - Palestine, Tiberrade (13 Dec) Registered air multifkd envelope. Flown Imperial Airways A293. Transited reverse Lydda Airport Haifa. Interesting flight.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 38.00    Expand Photo    Bid

11 Airmails - World
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1938 (1 Dec) Zeppelin. Germany - Newkoll. Suedetenland trip. Fkd p. card, red cachet.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 38.00    Expand Photo    Bid

12 Airmails - World
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1939 (10 Feb) San Marino - Spain - Germany. GPO - Canary Islands, Spain. Via German airpost, Berlin - Hamburg (5 Apr) Multifkd card + Spain censor cachet. Better destination mixed countries franking.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 115.00    Expand Photo    Bid

13 Airmails - World
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1941 (1 March) WWII Special Air Raid. Sweden - Azerbajan - Iran - Iraq - Africa - UK. Registered multifkd censored envelope. Reverse Baghdad (19 March) transited. By neutral countries except arrival. Most interesting.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 100.00    Expand Photo    Bid

14 Airmails - World
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1941 (10 May) Singapore - Guam (14 May) First PANAM flight. Fkd censored cover + special cachet. Fine / better.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 100.00    Expand Photo    Bid

15 Airmails - World
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
c. 1947-8 (16 Febr) URUGUAY - SAS - SWITZERLAND. Air multifkd env, early bicolor SAS label. Most unusual from Uruguay.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 32.00    Expand Photo    Bid

16 Airmails - World
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1952 (Sept) Australia - South Africa. First flight. Fkd illust env + cachet.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 14.00    Expand Photo    Bid

17 Airmails - World
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1953 (17 Apr) COLOMBIA - GERMANY. First regular flight. Clipper. Fkd env.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 22.00    Expand Photo    Bid

18 Airmails - World
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1962 (15 May) Germany - Sudan - Greece. First Lufthausa flight. 4 diff fkd usages.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 36.00    Expand Photo    Bid

19 Afghanistan
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1940 (23 May) British Legation, Kaboul - Usa, KY y Louisville (24 July) Registered reverse multifkd envelope + cachet "NOT OPENED BY CENSOR" Fine item signed by diplomat. Sir Kerr Fraser Tyler + regist receipt.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 126.00    Expand Photo    Bid

20 Afghanistan
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1968 (14 Feb) UNO Team. Kaboul - London, UK. 6afs stat airlettersheet. Scarce used.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 21.00    Expand Photo    Bid

21 Albania
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1914 (28 March) Korce - Constantinople, Turkey. Envelope circulated with provisional "50 para 50" ovptd issue tied cds + arrival cachet. Extraordinary rarity. Ex.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 4500.00    Expand Photo    Bid

22 Albania
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1920 (11-12 March) Germany, Bensheim - Scutari, Albania. With Arrival doble line censorship "presso posta militaire nš116" Fkd postal fkd + held for further postage. Interesting item.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 160.00    Expand Photo    Bid

23 Algeria
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1865 (18 June) SETIF, Alger - USA, Newport, Rhode Island (6 July) Small multifkd France 20c. Napoleon perf strip of four, tied numeral romboid cds + Red "Boston" paquebot US entry point + PD. Fine.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 176.00    Expand Photo    Bid

24 Algeria
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1885 (16 Jan) Alger - Germany, Berlin (21 Jan) 10c black France Sage stat card, cds. Fine.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 22.00    Expand Photo    Bid

25 Algeria
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1893 (7-8 Aug) Blida - Germany, Bernburg (14 Aug) 10c black France Sage stat card. TPO Orleans Ville - Alger. Fine.      Fine
Bid over:  $ 24.00    Expand Photo    Bid

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